Phonetic Reading of the Character '济'

Animated Stroke Order of 济:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 济 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '济'

Radical:氵     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 济:
to cross a river
to aid or relieve
to be of help
济世benefit mankind; do good to society
济事(usually used in the negative) to be of help or use
济助to relieve and help
济南Ji'nan, subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China
济南地区Ji'nan prefecture in Shandong
济南市Ji'nan subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China
济困扶危to help those in distress (idiom)
济宁Ji'ning prefecture level city in Shandong
济宁地区Ji'ning prefecture in Shandong
济宁市Ji'ning prefecture level city in Shandong
济州Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), South Korea, a World Heritage site
济州岛Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), South Korea, a World Heritage site
济州特别自治道Jeju island special autonomous province, South Korea, a World Heritage site
济弱扶倾to help the weak and aid the needy
济急to give relief (material)
济洲岛Cheju island (in South Korea)
济济a horde or multitude of people
济济一堂to congregate in one hall (idiom); to gather under one roof