Phonetic Reading of the Character '涉'

Animated Stroke Order of 涉:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 涉 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '涉'

Radical:氵     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

shèto wade/to be involved/to concern/to experience

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 涉:
to wade
to be involved
to concern
涉世to see the world
to go out into society
to gain experience
涉世不深to have scanty experience of life; to have seen little of the world; to be inexperienced in the world
涉历to experience
涉县She county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸
涉及to involve
to touch upon (a topic)
涉及面involvement aspect
涉外concerning foreigners or foreign affairs
涉外婚姻marriage of a Chinese with a foreigner
涉外宾馆guesthouses for foreign guests
涉外案件foreign case
涉嫌to be a suspect (in a crime)
涉嫌人(criminal) suspect
涉密concerning security matters
涉想to imagine
to consider
涉案(person) involved in (the case)
涉水paddle; ford; wade
涉水靴wading boots
high-topped waterproof boots
涉水鸟a wading bird