Phonetic Reading of the Character '般'

Animated Stroke Order of 般:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 般 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '般'

Radical:舟     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 般:
般乐to play
to amuse oneself
般桓variant of 盤桓|盘桓
般游to amuse oneself
般若Sanskrit praj?a: wisdom
great wisdom
wondrous knowledge
般若波罗密praj?a paramita (Sanskrit: supreme wisdom - beginning of the Heart Sutra)
般若波罗密多心经the Heart Sutra
般配to be well matched
to suit
般雀比拉多Pontius Pilate (in the Biblical passion story)