Phonetic Reading of the Character '佯'

Animated Stroke Order of 佯:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 佯 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '佯'

Radical:亻     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 佯:
佯为不见to shut one's eyes to another's faults
佯嗔pretend to be angry or displeased
佯攻feint; feint against; diversionary attack; deceptive attack; deke
佯死to feign death; to pretend to be dead
佯狂feign madness; pretend to be mad
佯称claim on purpose
佯装sham; pose
佯言tell a lie; lie; pretend
佯败To pretend to be beaten.