Phonetic Reading of the Character '扫'

Animated Stroke Order of 扫:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 扫 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '扫'

Radical:扌     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

sǎoto sweep

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 扫:
to sweep
扫兴to have one's spirits dampened
to feel disappointed
扫地to sweep the floor
to reach rock bottom
to be at an all-time low
扫地以尽be swept clean; be swept out
扫地出门sweep the floor; drive out; dismiss
扫堂腿ground sweeping
扫墓to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)
the Qingming festival
扫射to rake with machine gunfire
to strafe
to machine-gun down
扫尾round off; wind up
扫帚星comet; sweeping star; jinx
扫帚病hexenbesen; witches' broom
扫帚眉bushy eyebrows
扫平put down; crush; suppress
扫描to scan
扫描仪scanner (device)
扫描显微镜scanning microscope; flying-spot microscope
扫描机a scanner