Phonetic Reading of the Character '篡'

Animated Stroke Order of 篡:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 篡 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '篡'

Radical:竹     Strokes:16

Pinyin & Definition:

cuànto seize/to usurp

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 篡:
to seize
to usurp
篡位to seize the throne
篡党to usurpthe leadership of the party
篡军to usurp the military
篡国usurp state power
篡夺to usurp
to seize
篡弑to commit regicide
篡改to tamper with
to falsify
篡改历史to distort history
篡政to usurp political power
篡权to usurp power
篡窃to usurp
to seize
篡立to become an unlawful ruler
篡逆to rebel
to revolt