Phonetic Reading of the Character '蝈'

Animated Stroke Order of 蝈:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 蝈 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '蝈'

Radical:虫     Strokes:14

Pinyin & Definition:

guōsmall green cicada or frog (meaning unclear, possibly onomat.)/see 蟈蟈|蝈蝈 long-horned grasshopper

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 蝈:
small green cicada or frog (meaning unclear, possibly onomat.)
see 蟈蟈|蝈蝈 long-horned grasshopper
long-horned grasshopper
蝈蝈儿erhua variant of 蟈蟈|蝈蝈
蝈蝈笼cage for singing cicada
蝈螽insect of the Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets)
Gampsocleis sinensis
蝈螽属Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets)