Phonetic Reading of the Character '屈'

Animated Stroke Order of 屈:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 屈 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '屈'

Radical:尸     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

bent/feel wronged/surname Qu

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 屈:
surname Qu
屈从to capitulate
屈体pike position (diving)
屈体跳水a jackknife; a pike dive
屈光不正ametropia; refractive errors
屈光参差anisometropia; anisopia; heterometropia; antimetropy; antimetropia
屈光学dioptrics; anaclastics
屈光异常[Medicine] (of eyes) ametropia
屈光计ophthalmometer; dioptometer; dioptrometer
屈光透镜dioptric lens
屈原Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), famous Warring States statesman and poet, author of Sorrow at Parting 離騷|离骚 Lisao in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞
屈原祠Qu Yuan memorial temple on the Miluo river 汨羅江|汨罗江 at Yueyang 岳陽市|岳阳市, Hunan
屈原纪念馆Qu Yuan memorial hall in Zigui county 秭歸縣|秭归县, Hubei, built in 1982 and a major tourist attraction since then
屈垂[Botany] circumnutation
屈尊stoop to; condescend; descend; deign
屈居be forced to