Phonetic Reading of the Character '蜘'

Animated Stroke Order of 蜘:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 蜘 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '蜘'

Radical:虫     Strokes:14

Pinyin & Definition:

zhīsee 蜘蛛, spider

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 蜘:
see 蜘蛛, spider
蜘蛛丝the thread of a spider web; a cobweb
蜘蛛人Spider-Man, see 蜘蛛俠|蜘蛛侠
nickname of French skyscraper climber Alain Robert (1962-)
person who scales the outer walls of a building as a stunt or for building maintenance
蜘蛛侠Spider-Man, comic book superhero
蜘蛛学araneology; arachnology
蜘蛛抱蛋common aspidistra
蜘蛛指 [Medicine] arachnodactyly, spider-finger
蜘蛛星云Tarantula Nebula
蜘蛛痣arterial spider
spider web