Phonetic Reading of the Character '攻'

Animated Stroke Order of 攻:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 攻 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '攻'

Radical:攵     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

gōngto attack/to accuse/to study

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 攻:
to attack
to accuse
to study
攻下capture; take; overcome
攻丝tap; threading
攻伐to attack
to go to war on sb
攻克to capture
to take
攻入to force entrance into
to score a goal (sport)
攻关to storm a strategic pass
fig. to tackle a key problem
攻其不备strike where the enemy is unprepared
攻击to attack
to accuse
to charge
攻击区an attack area
攻击型核潜艇nuclear-powered attack submarine
攻击型选手attacking player
攻击导弹offensive missile
攻击性aggressivity; aggressiveness
攻击性武器offensive weapons
攻击性言论attack line
攻击手attack man; attacker
攻击机ground attack aircraft
攻击目标attack target