Phonetic Reading of the Character '口'

Animated Stroke Order of 口:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 口 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '口'

Radical:口     Strokes:3

Pinyin & Definition:

kǒumouth/(classifier for things with mouths such as people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 口:
classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)
classifier for bites or mouthfuls
口上片epistome; epistoma
口上突[Zoology] epistome
口不应心to say one thing but mean another
to dissimulate
口令oral command
a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts)
password (used by sentry)
口传orally transmitted
口传心授oral teaching inspires true understanding
oral evidence, as opposed to written evidence 筆供|笔供
口供书[Law] an affidavit
口侧的actinal; adoral
口信oral message
口出恶言to spit (out) curses at
口出狂言talk wildly
口前腔[Insect] atrium; preoral cavity
口北north of the Great Wall
口占To chant offhandedly.
口口声声to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again
口后片hypostome; hypostoma