Phonetic Reading of the Character '蹲'

Animated Stroke Order of 蹲:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 蹲 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '蹲'

Radical:足     Strokes:19

Pinyin & Definition:

dūnto crouch/to squat

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 蹲:
to crouch
to squat
蹲下to squat down
to crouch
蹲伏squat; stay down; crouch; scrooch; scrootch
蹲便器squat toilet
蹲厕squat toilet
蹲坐squat; to squat
蹲坑Turkish toilet
squat toilet
to vacate one's bowels
蹲守keep watch
蹲点 stay at a selected grass-roots unit to help improve its work and gain firsthand experience for guiding overall work
蹲班stay down
蹲班房be put in jail
蹲监狱cast into prison
蹲着couchant; squat
蹲膘to fatten cattle in a shed
to become fat
蹲苗hardening of seedling; wilting; to check the overgrowth of seedlings