Phonetic Reading of the Character '返'

Animated Stroke Order of 返:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 返 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '返'

Radical:辶     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

fǎnto return (to)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 返:
to return (to)
返乡to return to one's home town
返京return to Beijing
返修rework; repair
返利dealer incentive
sales bonus
返券黄牛shopping coupon scalper, sb who sells unwanted or returned shopping coupons to others for a profit
返台to return to Taiwan
返回return to
come (or go) back
返回卫星recoverable satellite
返回指令return instruction; bridging order; break-point order
返国to return to one's country
返场give an encore
返城return to city
返家to return home
返岗to resume one's former position
to return to work
返工do poorly done work over again
返归return; bring something back
返抵To come back to.
返校return to school; return to school after the vacation