Phonetic Reading of the Character '顶'

Animated Stroke Order of 顶:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 顶 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '顶'

Radical:页     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

dǐnggo against/most/peak/top/to replace/to substitute/classifier for hats

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 顶:
crown of the head
顶上on top of
at the summit
顶上的top; apical
顶交topcross; variety line breeding; inbred-variety cross; top cross
顶位vertex view
顶住to withstand
to stand up to
顶住压力to withstand pressure
顶住逆流to stand up against an adverse current
顶体perforatorium; acrosome; apical body; parietal organ
顶击球a top stroke
顶刮刮same as 頂呱呱|顶呱呱
really excellent
顶包to change packages
顶叶parietal lobe
顶名to assume somebody's name
顶吹top blast; top blowing
顶吹转炉[Metallurgy] a top-blown rotary converter
顶呱呱tip top
first rate
顶命pay with the life
顶嘴to talk back
to answer back