Phonetic Reading of the Character '匿'

Animated Stroke Order of 匿:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 匿 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '匿'

Radical:匚     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

to hide

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 匿:
to hide
匿伏in hiding; lurk
匿名信an anonymous letter; anonymous letter
匿名的nameless; innominate; pseudonymous; anonymous; silent; faceless; FTP anonymous; anon.; incognito; cryptonymous
匿影藏形to hide from public view
to conceal one's identity
to lay low
匿报to withhold information
匿藏hide; conceal; hide; go into hiding
匿迹to go into hiding
匿迹潜形Go into hiding