Phonetic Reading of the Character '陷'

Animated Stroke Order of 陷:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 陷 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '陷'

Radical:阝     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

xiànpitfall/trap/to get stuck/to sink/to cave in/to frame (false charge)/to capture (a city in battle)/to fall (to the enemy)/defect

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 陷:
to get stuck
陷于caught in (a bad situation)
to fall into (trap etc)
陷于困境get into a hobble; stalemate; tie his up in knots; tie her up in knots; tie their up in knots; tie my up in knots; tie your up in knots; tie our up in knots; tie his up into knots; tie her up into knots; tie their up into knots; tie my up into knots; tie your up into
陷于瘫痪to be paralyzed
at a standstill
陷于绝境with one's back to the wall; to be (or stand) at bay; to turn (or come) to bay
陷入to sink into
to get caught up in
to land in (a predicament)
陷入僵局reach an impasse
陷入困境to fall into difficulty (e.g. facing bankruptcy)
陷入牢笼to fall into a trap
陷入绝境fall into impasse
pit as animal trap
陷害to frame (up)
to make false charges against
陷落to surrender (of a fortress)
to fall (to the enemy)
subsidence (of land)
陷落带area of subsidence
陷落计中to fall into the enemy's trap
陷身fall into; land in
陷身囹圄to be thrown into prison
陷阱lit. a pit for trapping animals
a trap
a snare
陷阵break through enemy lines