Phonetic Reading of the Character '念'

Animated Stroke Order of 念:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 念 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '念'

Radical:心     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

niànto read/to study (a degree course)/to read aloud/to miss (sb)/idea/remembrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 念:
to read
to study (a degree course)
to read aloud
念佛to pray to Buddha
to chant the names of Buddha
念叨to talk about often
to discuss
to reminisce about
念咒execration; incantation; chanting; casting a spell
念学位to study for a degree
to take a degree course
念念不忘to keep in mind constantly (idiom)
念念有词to mumble
to mutter to oneself
念日memorial day
commemoration day
念旧to remember old friends
to cherish old friendships
for old time's sake
念物souvenir; keepsake; memento
念珠prayer beads
念珠串a bead roll
念珠球菌病[Medicine] moniliasis
念珠藻[Botany] nostoc
念白spoken parts of a Chinese opera; speak
念经recite or chant Buddhist scripture
念诵to read out
to recite
to remember sb (while talking about sth else)
念道Usually written as "念叨".