Phonetic Reading of the Character '除'

Animated Stroke Order of 除:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 除 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '除'

Radical:阝     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:

chúto get rid of/to remove/to exclude/to eliminate/to wipe out/to divide/except/not including

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 除:
to get rid of
to remove
to exclude
除不尽indivisible (math)
除丧take off mourning clothes
apart from (... also...)
in addition to
除以divided by
除冰to defrost
to get rid of ice
除去to eliminate
to remove
except for
除另有约定unless otherwise agreed
除号division sign (math.)
除名to strike off (the rolls)
to remove from a list
to expunge
除四害get rid of the 4 pests
除垢contaminant separation; contaminant release
除夕(New Year's) Eve
除外to exclude
not including sth (when counting or listing)
except for
除外期间an excepted period