Phonetic Reading of the Character '跪'

Animated Stroke Order of 跪:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 跪 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '跪'

Radical:足     Strokes:13

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 跪:
to kneel
跪下to kneel down
跪乳之恩filial piety
跪伏to crouch (of animal)
跪倒to kneel down
to sink to one's knees
to grovel
跪叩to kowtow
跪地哀求to kneel on the ground crying for mercy
跪地求饶to kneel and beg forgiveness
跪垫a hassock; a prayer mat
跪姿kneeling position
跪姿射击to shoot from a kneeling position
跪射kneeling fire
跪拜to kowtow
to kneel and worship
跪毯a prayer mat
a carpet for kneeling
跪着on one's knees; on bended knees
跪祷to kneel in prayer