Phonetic Reading of the Character '蔫'

Animated Stroke Order of 蔫:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 蔫 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '蔫'

Radical:艹     Strokes:14

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 蔫:
to fade
to wither
to wilt
蔫不唧 lackadaisical
蔫不唧儿listless; droopy; sluggish; ; quiet
蔫不溜quiet; silent
蔫儿erhua variant of 蔫
蔫儿坏appearing genuine, but actually nasty or devious
see also 蔫土匪
蔫呼呼weak-willed and indecisive
蔫土匪scoundrel with an honest demeanor
see also 蔫兒壞|蔫儿坏
蔫头耷脑with head hanging-dejected; listless; droopy
蔫蔫quiet; silent; ; listless; droopy; sluggish