Phonetic Reading of the Character '豁'

Animated Stroke Order of 豁:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 豁 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '豁'

Radical:谷     Strokes:17

Pinyin & Definition:

huáplay Chinese finger game
huōopening/stake all/sacrifice/crack/slit
huòclear/open/exempt (from)/liberal-minded

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 豁:
play Chinese finger game
豁亮roomy and bright
豁免to exempt
豁免权diplomatic immunity
immunity from prosecution
豁出去to throw caution to the wind
to press one's luck
to go for broke
豁口breach; break; opening
豁嘴harelip; hareliped person
豁子opening; harelipped person
豁拳finger-guessing game
豁朗high-spirited; broad-minded
豁然wide and open
a flash of understanding
豁然开朗suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing
fig. everything becomes clear at once
to achieve speedy enlightenment
豁然贯通to see everything suddenly in a clear light
豁达大度open-minded and magnanimous; be generous and open-mined