Phonetic Reading of the Character '芙'

Animated Stroke Order of 芙:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 芙 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '芙'

Radical:艹     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

see 芙蓉[fu2 rong2], lotus

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 芙:
see 芙蓉
芙蓉Furong district of Changsha city 長沙市|长沙市
芙蓉其面,蛇蝎其心She has a fair face, but a foul heart.
芙蓉出水lit. lotus rises from the water (idiom); fig. to blossom (of poem or art)
芙蓉区Furong district of Changsha city 長沙市|长沙市
芙蓉树[Botany] a hibiscus
芙蓉石rosy quartz
芙蓉花cotton rose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabilis)
芙蓉鸡片chicken slices with egg-white