Phonetic Reading of the Character '煞'

Animated Stroke Order of 煞:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 煞 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '煞'

Radical:灬     Strokes:13

Pinyin & Definition:

shāto terminate/to cut short/to squeeze/to tighten/to reduce/extremely
shàfiend/baleful/to bring to a stop/very

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 煞:
to terminate
to cut short
to squeeze
煞住to brake
to stop
to forbid
煞尾to finish off
to wind up
煞性子to vent anger
煞星a malignant star -- (usually said of a person) that brings wars, deaths, calamities or disasters
煞有介事to pretend to be serious about doing sth (idiom)
煞气a leak
煞白deathly white
煞神demon; fiend
煞笔to stop one's pen
to break off writing
final remarks (at the end of a book or article)
煞账to settle an account
煞费心机Rack one's brains.
煞费苦心to take a lot of trouble (idiom); painstaking
at the cost of a lot of effort
煞车to brake (when driving)
煞车器the brakes (of a car, bicycle, etc.)
煞风景to damage beautiful scenery
fig. to spoil the fun