Phonetic Reading of the Character '民'

Animated Stroke Order of 民:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 民 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '民'

Radical:氏     Strokes:5

Pinyin & Definition:

mínthe people/nationality/citizen

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 民:
the people
民不聊生The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Historian 史記|史记
民丰Niye Nahiyisi
Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区
民丰县Niye Nahiyisi
Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区
民主专制democratic dictatorship
民主党Democratic Party
民主党人a Democratic party member
民主党派Democratic Party
民主共和国democratic republic
民主制度the democratic system; democracy
民主化to convert to democracy
democratic transformation
民主协商democratic consultation
民主国家democracy; democratic state
民主墙Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Spring democracy movement
民主建港协进联盟Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party
民主改革democratic reforms; democratic reform