wāi | askew/at a crooked angle/devious/noxious |
歪 | askew at a crooked angle devious |
歪七扭八 | twist around; jiggle body |
歪主意 | wicked, devious, or evil ideas |
歪嘴 | twisted mouth wry mouth |
歪头 | [Medicine] torticollis; wryneck |
歪才 | talent for intrigue or deviousness |
歪打正着 | to succeed by a lucky stroke |
歪扭 | undesirable deformation; distortion |
歪斜 | crooked askew oblique |
歪曲 | to distort to misrepresent |
歪曲事实的人 | a twister |
歪曲作者原意 | to misrepresent the author's meaning; to distort the author's meaning |
歪歪倒倒 | rickety; shaky; uneven; irregular; untidy |
歪歪扭扭 | crooked not straight staggering from side to side |
歪歪斜斜 | shuddering trembling a trembling scrawl (of handwriting) |
歪点子 | illegal device devious crooked |
歪理 | false reasoning |
歪词儿 | unreasonable word |
歪诗 | doggerel |
歪象 | anamorphosis |