Phonetic Reading of the Character '樱'

Animated Stroke Order of 樱:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 樱 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '樱'

Radical:木     Strokes:15

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 樱:
樱唇cherry lips
樱岛Sakurajima island, an active volcano in Kagoshima prefecture 鹿兒島縣|鹿儿岛县
樱树a sakura; a Japanese cherry
樱桃园The Cherry Orchard
樱桃小番茄see 聖女果|圣女果
樱桃木cherrywood; cherry
樱桃李[Botany] a myrobalan; a cherry plum
樱桃树cherry; cherry-tree; cherry tree
樱桃核a cherry pit
樱桃肉cherry pulp
樱桃色cerise; cherry
樱桃花cherry blossoms
樱桃西红柿[Botany] a cherry tomato
樱花oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom
also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry
樱花钩吻鲑 Formosan Landlocked Salmon; (scientific name) Oncorhynchus masou