Phonetic Reading of the Character '植'

Animated Stroke Order of 植:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 植 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '植'

Radical:木     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

zhíto plant

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 植:
to plant
植保plant protection; crop protection
植党营私form political cliques for private gain; set up a clique for the own selfish interests
植入embedded; implant; implantation; embedding
植入式广告product placement
植入术[Medicine] implantation
植字to set types for printing
植字板a printing plate of set types
植树to plant trees
植树节Arbor Day (March 12th), also known as National Tree Planting Day 全民義務植樹日|全民义务植树日
植树运动an afforestation campaign
植株tree trunk
植根to take root
to establish a base
植根于to be rooted to
to take root in
植民variant of 殖民
植物丛vegetation bed
植物人person in a vegetative state
human vegetable
植物人状态vegetative state (i.e. in a coma)