Phonetic Reading of the Character '共'

Animated Stroke Order of 共:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 共 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '共'

Radical:八     Strokes:6

Pinyin & Definition:

gòngcommon/general/to share/together/total/altogether/abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 共:
to share
共乘to ride together
to carpool
共事work together; communion
共产主义的communistic; communist
共产主义社会Communism; communistic society
共产主义者communist; commy; commo
共产主义青年团communist youth league
共产党Communist Party
共产党人Communist party members
共产党员communist party member
共产党宣言Manifesto of the Communist Party
Manifest der kommunistischen Partei by Marx and Engels (1848)
共产党政府the communist party government
the government of China
共产党部队communist forces
共产国际Communist international (Comintern)
共享to share
to enjoy together
共享以太网络shared Ethernet
共享函数库shared library (computing)
共享天线电视CATV (community antenna television)