Phonetic Reading of the Character '村'

Animated Stroke Order of 村:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 村 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '村'

Radical:木     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 村:
村上春树MURAKAMI Haruki (1949-), Japanese novelist and translator
村上隆Murakami Takashi (1963-), Japanese artist
村俗coarse; rustic; unrefined; vulgar
村办企业village-run enterprise
村办工业a village-run industry
村务公开open village affairs; openness of administrative affairs of village
村口gateway of the village
村塾village school
村夫rustic; countryman; joskin; tike; churl; tyke
村夫俗子boorish and vulgar man
村头edge of the village
村委会village committee
村学village school
村官village official
村容look of a village; appearance of a village
村寨stockaded village