Phonetic Reading of the Character '喊'

Animated Stroke Order of 喊:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 喊 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '喊'

Radical:口     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

hǎncall/cry/to shout

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 喊:
to shout
喊价outcry; price asked; outcry; price asked; bid; bid and asked price; bidding
喊冤to cry out a grievance
喊冤叫屈cry out about the grievances; complain loudly about an alleged injustice
喊口号shout slogans
喊叫to cry out
to shout
喊嗓子shout; train one's voice
喊声to yell
喊话propaganda directed to communicate
喊道to yell