Phonetic Reading of the Character '暮'

Animated Stroke Order of 暮:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 暮 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '暮'

Radical:日     Strokes:14

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 暮:
暮世modern times
暮云春树memories of a friend far-away
暮岁towards the end of the year; old age; one's later years
暮年one's declining years
old age
暮春late spring
暮景an evening scene
fig. one's old age
暮气evening mist
fig. declining spirits
暮气朦胧obscurity brought by the twilight (idiom)
暮气沉沉have a defeatist attitude
暮秋late autumn
暮色苍茫the hazy dusk of twilight (idiom)
暮霭evening mist
暮鼓晨钟lit. evening drum, morning bell (idiom); fig. Buddhist monastic practice
the passage of time in a disciplined existence
暮齿old age; one's later years