Phonetic Reading of the Character '搜'

Animated Stroke Order of 搜:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 搜 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '搜'

Radical:扌     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

sōuto search

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 搜:
to search
搜刮to extort (money)
to fleece
搜剿search and wipe out
搜寻to search
to look for
搜寻引擎Internet search engine
also written 搜索引擎
搜寻软体search software
搜括extort; plunder
搜拿run down
搜捕to hunt and arrest (fugitives)
to track down and arrest
a manhunt
搜救search and rescue
搜救犬search and rescue dog
搜查to search
搜查权right of search
搜查证search warranty; searchwarrant
搜检to search out
to check
搜求to seek
to look for
搜狐Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company
搜狐网Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company
搜狗Sougou (searching dog) search engine,