Phonetic Reading of the Character '寄'

Animated Stroke Order of 寄:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 寄 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '寄'

Radical:宀     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

to live (in a house)/to lodge/to mail/to send/to entrust/to depend

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 寄:
to live (in a house)
to lodge
to mail
寄主host (of a parasite)
寄主植物host plan
寄予to place (hope, importance etc) on
to express
to show
寄予厚望to place high hopes
寄人篱下to lodge under another person's roof (idiom); to live relying on sb else's charity
寄信send; to post a letter
寄信人sender; addresser
寄养fosterage; put out to nurse
寄养家庭foster home
寄出to mail
to send by post
寄包裹单a parcel form
寄包裹处a parcel service counter
寄卖to consign for sale
寄卖品consignment merchandise
寄卖商店commission shop; secondhand shop
寄卖行A commercial firm that sells goods for its client.
寄发to dispatch
to send out (mail)