Phonetic Reading of the Character '按'

Animated Stroke Order of 按:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 按 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '按'

Radical:扌     Strokes:9

Pinyin & Definition:

ànto press (with the hand)/to push/to control/to restrain/to check/pressing down (brush movement in painting)/according to/in the light of

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 按:
to press
to push
to leave aside or shelve
按下to press down
to press a button
按下葫芦浮起瓢solve one problem only to find another cropping up
按件计工reckon by the piece
按位光存存储器[Computer] a bib-by-bit optical memory
按位开关[Computer] a bit switch
按位编码[Computer] encoding by bit
按位表示[Computer] positional representation
按例By habit, according to usage.
按兵不动to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
按劳分配distribution according to work
按压to press
to push (a button)
按图索骥lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (idiom)
to do things along rigid, conventional lines
to try and find smth with the help of a clue
按块分配block allocation
按天daily (law)
per diem
按季according to season
按察to investigate (old)
按年摊付yearly installments