Phonetic Reading of the Character '引'

Animated Stroke Order of 引:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 引 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '引'

Radical:弓     Strokes:4

Pinyin & Definition:

yǐnto draw (a bow)/to pull/to stretch sth/to extend/to lengthen/to involve in/to attract/to lead/to guide/to divert (water)/unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang1], now one-thirtieth km or 33.33 meters

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 引:
to draw (e.g. a bow)
to pull
to stretch sth
引为己任to take as one's own responsibility
引为鉴戒take warning from; learn a lesson from
引产to induce labor (childbirth)
引人入胜to enchant
引人发笑to make someone laugh
引人注意to attract attention
引人注目to attract attention
引人的fetching; tempting
引人瞩目noticeable; conspicuous
引以为傲to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)
引以为慰to take comfort in something
引以为憾to consider sth regrettable (idiom)
引以为戒learn a lesson; take warning
引以为耻consider something as shameful
引以为荣take it as an honor
引以为鉴take; take warning from it
引体向上chin-up (physical exercise)
引例A cited case.