Phonetic Reading of the Character '尊'

Animated Stroke Order of 尊:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 尊 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '尊'

Radical:寸     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

zūnto honor/to respect/(classifier for cannons and statues)/ancient wine vessel

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 尊:
of a senior generation
to honor
尊亲(honorific) your parent
尊从to obey
to observe
to follow
尊公(honorific) your father
尊卑seniors and juniors
尊号honorific title
form of address reserved for a queen, ancestor, emperor etc
尊君(honorific) your father
尊命your order (honorific)
尊堂(honorific) your mother
尊夫人your wife
to revere
to venerate
尊姓大名your name
尊容your face (usually mocking)
尊尚to value highly
to hold up sth as a model
尊崇to revere
to admire
to honor
尊师revered master
尊师爱徒title of a Daoist priest
revered master
尊师爱生respect teacher and love student
尊师贵道to revere the master and his teaching