Phonetic Reading of the Character '彼'

Animated Stroke Order of 彼:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 彼 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '彼'

Radical:彳     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

that/those/(one) another)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 彼:
(one) another
彼一时此一时that was one thing, and this is another
times have changed
彼倡此和to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in agreement
彼唱此和to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in agreement
彼尔姆Perm, Russian city in the Urals
彼岸the other shore
彼得Peter (name)
彼得前书First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)
彼得后书Second Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)
彼得堡Petersburg (place name)
Saint Petersburg, Russia
彼得格勒Petrograd, variant spelling of 彼得堡, Saint Petersburg
彼得罗维奇Petrovich (name)
彼得里皿Petri dish
彼拉多Pilate (Pontius Pilate in the Biblical passion story)
彼时at that time
彼此each other
one another