Phonetic Reading of the Character '孝'

Animated Stroke Order of 孝:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 孝 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '孝'

Radical:子     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 孝:
filial piety or obedience
mourning apparel
孝义Xiaoyi county level city in Lǚlíang 呂梁|吕梁
孝义市Xiaoyi county level city in Lǚlíang 呂梁|吕梁
孝南Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city 孝感市
孝南区Xiaonan district of Xiaogan city 孝感市
孝女dutiful daughter; bereaved daughter
孝子filial son
孝子贤孙faithful followers
孝廉xiaolian, two examination subjects in Han, later a single subject in Ming and Qing
successful second degree candidate
孝心filial piety
孝思不匮to be forever filial (idiom)
孝悌filial piety and fraternal duty
孝悌忠信Confucian moral injunctions of fidelity
piety to one's parents, respect to one's older brother, loyalty to one's monarch, faith to one's male friends
孝感Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei
孝感地区Xiaogan prefecture in Hubei
孝感市Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei
孝成王King Xiaocheng of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 266-245 BC
孝敬to show filial respect
to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)
to support one's aged parents
孝昌Xiaochang county in Xiaogan 孝感
孝昌县Xiaochang county in Xiaogan 孝感