Phonetic Reading of the Character '堕'

Animated Stroke Order of 堕:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 堕 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '堕'

Radical:土     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:


Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 堕:
to fall
to degenerate
堕云雾中lit. to become lost in a fog (idiom); fig. at a complete loss
堕入indulge in; sink into; lapse
堕地To fall down to the ground.
堕楼to jump to one's death
堕胎to induce an abortion
induced abortion
堕胎药abortifacient; aborticide
堕落to morally degenerate
to become depraved
a fall from grace
堕落天使 a fallen angel (used about someone who used to think was successful or morally, but who is no longer thoutht of in this way)
堕落的lapsed; vicious; depraved; degraded; degenerate; prostitute; peccant; rotten; miscreant; perverted; perverse; scrofulous; reprobate; draggletailed; fallen; ruined
堕马fall off horse