Phonetic Reading of the Character '卖'

Animated Stroke Order of 卖:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 卖 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '卖'

Radical:十     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

màito sell

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 卖:
to sell
to betray
to spare no effort
卖不动sell well; be unsalable
卖乖show off cleverness
卖价sale price; selling price; selling rate; asked quotation; offer price; seller's rate of exchange; asking price; asked price; offer rate
卖俏coquette; flirt
卖傻to play stupid
to act like an idiot
卖儿鬻女sell one's children
卖光了to be sold out
to be out of stock
卖关子do something reluctantly
keep listeners in suspense (in storytelling)
keep people on tenterhooks
卖关节take bribes and do favours
卖出to sell
to reach (a price in an auction)
卖力really put out energy for
卖力气do one's very best
卖功boast of one's merits
卖劲stint no effort
卖劲儿exert all one's strength; spare no effort
卖单sell bill
卖卜to do trade as a fortune teller