Phonetic Reading of the Character '唐'

Animated Stroke Order of 唐:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 唐 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '唐'

Radical:口     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

tángTang dynasty (618-907)/surname Tang

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 唐:
Tang dynasty (618-907)
surname Tang
唐三彩Tang sancai; clay modelling
唐三藏Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645
same as 玄奘
唐中宗Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, reign name of fourth Tang emperor Li Zhe 李哲
唐书same as 舊唐書|旧唐书, History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Liu Xu 劉昫 in 945 during Later Jin 後晉|后晋 of the Five Dynasties, 200 scrolls
唐代Tang dynasty (618-907)
唐代宗Emperor Taizong of Tang (727-779), reign name of ninth Tang emperor Li Yu 李豫
唐伯虎Tang Bohu or Tang Yin 唐寅 (1470-1523), Ming painter and poet, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子
唐僖宗Emperor Xizong of Tang, reign name of nineteenth Tang Emperor Li Xuan 李儇
唐僧Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645
唐初四大家Four Great Poets of early Tang
refers to Yu Shi'nan 虞世南
唐卡thangka (Buddhist banner)
唐县Tang county in Baoding 保定
唐古拉Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原
唐古拉山Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau
唐古拉山脉Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau
唐古拉峰Dangla or Tanggula mountain on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau
唐哀帝Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of twenty-first and last Tang emperor Li Zhu 李祝
唐唐大国great powerful nation