Phonetic Reading of the Character '停'

Animated Stroke Order of 停:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 停 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '停'

Radical:亻     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

tíngto stop/to halt/to park (a car)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 停:
to stop
to halt
to park (a car)
停下to stop
停下来to stop
停业to cease trading (temporarily or permanently)
to close down
停业损失loss from suspension
停业清理to liquidate; to go into liquidation
停产stop production
停产期idling period
停付stop payment; respite
停任 [Law] ceased to hold office
停住to stop
to halt
to cease
停俸to suspend salary payments
停刊stop publication; suspensionof publication; cease publication; to suspend publication
停办close down
停发stop paying out
停售cessation of sale
停妥be in order; be well arranged
停学rustication; stop doing business; suspend from school; suspension
停工to stop work
to shut down
to stop production