Phonetic Reading of the Character '与'

Animated Stroke Order of 与:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 与 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '与'

Radical:一     Strokes:3

Pinyin & Definition:

(same as 歟|欤, final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 or 呢)
and/to give/together with
take part in

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 与:
(same as 歟|欤, final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 or 呢)
与世无争to stand aloof from worldly affairs
与世沉浮to rise and sink with the rest of the world have no independent course of one's own
与世浮沉follow the trend; swim with the tide
与世长辞to die
long farewell to the world
与世隔绝to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)
与之无关to have no truck with
与人为善to be of service to others
to help others
与人方便,自己方便Help others, and others may help you (idiom).
与众不同to stand out from the masses (idiom)
与众不同的larruping; distinctive; unusual
与会to participate in a meeting
与会国countries attending a conference; participating countries
与会者convocator; conventioner; conventioneer; assemblage
与全世界为敌,冒天下之大不韪to defy world opinion
to risk universal condemnation
与其rather than...
與其|与其 A 不如 B (rather than A, better to B)
与其???不如would rather...than...
与否whether or not (at the end of a phrase)
与日俱增to increase steadily
to grow with each passing day