Phonetic Reading of the Character '余'

Animated Stroke Order of 余:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 余 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '余'

Radical:人     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

I (used by emperor)/variant of 餘|余, surplus
extra/surplus/remaining/remainder after division/(following numerical value) or more/in excess of (some number)/residue (math.)/after/I/me/surname Yu

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 余:
I (used by emperor)
variant of 餘|余, surplus
余光out of the corner of one's eyes
余党remnants (of a defeated clique)
余兴sideshow; divertissement; harlequinade
余函数cofunction; complementary function
余切cotangent (of angle), written cot θ or ctg θ
余利bonus; dividend
余剩surplus; remainder
余割cosecant (of angle), written cosec θ or csc θ
余力residual force
余勇可贾lit. spare valor for sale (idiom); fig. after former successes, still ready for more work
not resting on one's laurels
余可类推the rest may be inferred by analogy
余响绕梁reverberates around the rafters (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
余因子cofacter; complementary divisor; cofactor
余姚Yuyao county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波
余姚市Yuyao county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波