Phonetic Reading of the Character '鲁'

Animated Stroke Order of 鲁:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 鲁 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '鲁'

Radical:鱼     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

crass/place name/abbr. for Shandong 山東|山东 province in east China/surname Lu

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 鲁:
surname Lu
Shandong Province 山東省|山东省
鲁人person from Shandong
often refers to Confucius
stupid person
鲁佛尔宫the Louvre
鲁凯族Rukai, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
鲁史History of Kingdom Lu
refers to the Spring and Autumn annals 春秋 (edited by Confucius)
鲁君the lord of Lu (who declined to employ Confucius)
鲁国old name for Shandong (often in connection with Confucius)
鲁国人person from Shandong
often refers to Confucius
鲁子敬Lu Zijing or Lu Su 魯肅|鲁肃 (172-217), statesman, diplomat and strategist of Eastern Wu 東吳|东吴
鲁宾Rubin (name)
Robert E. Rubin (1938-), US Treasury Secretary 1995-1999 under President Clinton
鲁宾逊robinson; Robinson Crusoe
鲁尔Ruhrgebiet or Ruhr region, Germany
鲁尔河Ruhr river, a tributary of the Rhine in Germany
鲁山Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山
鲁山县Lushan county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山
鲁布roup; infectious coryza; rube
鲁德维格Ludwig (name)
Ludovic (name)
鲁昂Rouen (France)