Phonetic Reading of the Character '韬'

Animated Stroke Order of 韬:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 韬 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '韬'

Radical:韦     Strokes:14

Pinyin & Definition:

tāobow case/to cover

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 韬:
bow case or scabbard
to hide
military strategy
韬光to conceal one's talents, gifts, etc. of a learned Buddhist monk in the Tang Dynasty
韬光养晦lit. to cover light and nurture in the dark (idiom); to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time
hiding one's light under a bush
韬晦conceal one's true features or intentions; lie low
韬晦隐居to hide one's light and live in seclusion
韬略military strategy
military tactics
originally refers to military classics Six Secret Teachings 六韜|六韬 and Three Strategies三略
韬笔to let the pen idle; to write no more
韬笔钳口(used figuratively of a wise man) to put away the pen and keep the mouth tight