Phonetic Reading of the Character '韩'

Animated Stroke Order of 韩:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 韩 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '韩'

Radical:韦     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

hánKorea, esp. Japan-annexed Korea and South Korea/Korean/surname Han

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 韩:
Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄
Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897
Korea, esp. South Korea 大韓民國|大韩民国
韩世昌Han Shichang (1897-1977), actor specializing in Kunqu opera 昆曲
韩亚航空Asiana Airlines, South Korean airline
韩亚龙H Mart, Korean supermarket chain in US and Canada
韩信Han Xin (-196 BC), famous general of first Han emperor Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦
韩元Won (Korean currency)
韩升洙Han Seung Soo (1936-), South Korean diplomat and politician, prime minister from 2008
韩半岛Korean peninsula (esp. South Korean usage)
韩国Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄
韩国人Korean (person)
韩国共和国Republic of Korea
South Korea
Korean pickled cabbage
韩国联合通讯社Yonghap (South Korean news agency)
韩国语Korean language
韩国银行Bank of Korea
韩圆Korean won (unit of currency)
韩城Hancheng city and county in Shaanxi
韩城县Hancheng county in Shaanxi
韩城市Hancheng city in Shaanxi