Phonetic Reading of the Character '陶'

Animated Stroke Order of 陶:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 陶 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '陶'

Radical:阝     Strokes:10

Pinyin & Definition:

táopottery/pleased/surname Tao

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 陶:
surname Tao
陶乐former Taole county, now in Pingluo county 平羅縣|平罗县
陶乐县former Taole county, now in Pingluo county 平羅縣|平罗县
陶俑a pottery figurine buried with the dead
陶冶lit. to fire pots and smelt metal
fig. to educate
陶吧An entertaining business site where customer can "play do it together" in making ceramics.
陶哲轩Terence Tao, Chinese-Australian mathematician, Fields medalist in 2006
陶喆David Tao (1969-), Taiwanese singer-songwriter
陶器铭文inscription on pottery
陶土potter's clay
陶情山水to relax one's mind in nature; to feel pleased and at ease with the world
陶文inscription on pottery
陶渊明Tao Yuanming (c. 365-427), Jin dynasty writer and poet
陶潜Tao Qian or Tao Yuanming 陶渊明|陶淵明 (c. 365-427), Jin dynasty writer and poet
陶然happy and carefree
陶然忘机contented and happy without any schemes in mind