Phonetic Reading of the Character '锁'

Animated Stroke Order of 锁:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 锁 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '锁'

Radical:钅     Strokes:12

Pinyin & Definition:

suǒto lock up/to lock/CL:把[ba3]

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 锁:
to lock up
to lock
锁上lock; key; lock up; keying
锁住chain up; lockup; latching; lock sth. up; LKUP; lock up; locking; latch; pinning; lock-on; lock; belock
锁呐suona, Chinese shawm
see 嗩吶|唢呐
锁国to close a country
to exclude foreign contact
closed country (Qing China, North Korea etc)
锁子甲chain mail; chain acmour; hauberk; chain armor; acton; coat of arms
锁存器latch (electronic)
锁定to lock (a door)
to close with a latch
to lock into place
锁掉lock up
lock out
to lock
锁掣catch (of a lock)
锁模locked mode; mode locked; mode locking
锁气室air lock
锁环a clamping ring
锁眼keyhole; key-hole
锁簧lockingdog; locking tappet; locking spring
锁紧lockin; locking
锁缝whipstitch; eyelet; whipping; hemstitch