Phonetic Reading of the Character '铬'

Animated Stroke Order of 铬:

Quiz yourself by drawing the character 铬 below with your mouse or finger

Stroke Sequence of the Character '铬'

Radical:钅     Strokes:11

Pinyin & Definition:

chromium Cr, transition metal, atomic number 24

Related Chinese characters:


Words with Chinese Character 铬:
chromium (chemistry)
铬酸chromic acid; chrome acid
铬钢chrome steel; chromium steel; chrome
铬铁ferrochromium; ferrochrome; ferro chrome; ferrochrome iron; chromium iron
铬铁合金chromium irons; ferrochromium; ferrochrome
铬铁矿chromite; chrome iron ore; chromic iron ore
铬铅矿red lead ore; lehmannite; crocoite; beresovite; beresowite
铬镍钢chrome nickel steel; wipla; chromium-nickel steel; nickel chromium steel
铬鞣chrome tannage
铬黄yellow chrome; lemon chrome yellow; chrome yellow; paris yellow; chrome